Roe Hills Spodumene (Lithium) Exploration
Kairos has 353 km2 of contiguous exploration licences adjacent to Alchemy Resources’ (ASX:ALY) and Breaker Resources (ASX:BRB) licences.

The area is fast becoming a new spodumene pegmatite (lithium) province and hunting ground with the Manna Li-Ta deposit just 10km to the north of Kairos’s lookalike Black Cat Prospect, that Kairos is preparing to drill

Kairos knows that this area is fertile hunting ground in the shadow of the Manna Lithium deposit, and our 2.6km-long Black Cat soil anomaly, which comprises coincident lithium, caesium, beryllium and tin, shows huge promise to be a Manna lookalike.
Indeed Kairos continues to cover the prospective greenstone belt-granite country with soil geochemical programmes and has recently announced additional high quality lithium anomalies which join the project pipeline in the area.

Kairos continues to undertake low impact soil and auger sampling across the area to firm-up targets in preparation for RC drilling, targeting spodumene pegmatites that are known to occur on the margins of the quartz syenites and other granite types in the area.

The Roe Hills area is an exciting large project for Kairos that is just another potential value-add for the company with low-cost exploration.
The Roe Hills – Karonie Downs area is the subject of extensive exploration and business development activities with the recent acquisition by Global Lithium (ASX:GL1) of the remaining 20% interest of the Manna Li-Ta project from Breaker Resources (ASX:BRB) for $60m.